In 2023, the trade exchange (includes international purchases and sales) of Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) was US$60.4M.
In 2022, the states with the most international sales in Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) were Jalisco (US$948k).
The states with the most international purchases in 2023 were Jalisco (US$41M), Tamaulipas (US$6.07M), Sinaloa (US$3.34M), Sonora (US$2.71M), and Guanajuato (US$1.67M).
In 2022, the main commercial destinations of Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) were Cayman Islands (US$379k), United States (US$267k), Dominican Republic (US$176k), El Salvador (US$73.2k), and Guatemala (US$53.4k).
The main commercial origins of Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) in 2023 were China (US$27.9M), United States (US$10.2M), Norway (US$7.16M), Poland (US$7.05M), and Chile (US$4.49M).
In the global context, the main exporting countries of Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) in 2022 were Jordan (US$624M), Netherlands (US$109M), and South Africa (US$99.2M). In the same year, the main importing countries of Mineral or Chemical Nitrogenados (Exc Urea;. Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Nitrate and Na; Double Salts and Mixtures of Ammonium Sulfate or Nitrate Ca Ammonium Nitrate, Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with Calcium Carbonate or other Inorganic Non-Fertilising, Urea with Ammonium Nitrate in Aqueous or Ammoniacal Solution; Calcium Cyanamide;. Fertilizers Forms Tablets O Simil or Packings of a Gross Weight of <= 10 Kg) were India (US$209M), Bangladesh (US$122M), and Iraq (US$117M).