The workforce of Coordinators and Area Managers in Manufacturing during third quarter of 2024 was 98.4k people, whose salary averaged $12.4k MX working around 46.1 hours per week.
The average age of Coordinators and Area Managers in Manufacturing was 38.3 years. The workforce was distributed in 68.2% men with an average salary of $12.2k MX and, 31.8% women with average salary of $12.7k MX.
The best average salaries received by Coordinators and Area Managers in Manufacturing were in Oaxaca ($26k MX), Yucatán ($25.9k MX), and Sonora ($22.9k MX) while the workforce was larger in Chihuahua (18.7k), Nuevo León (12.8k), and Coahuila de Zaragoza (11.1k).
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Residential Building Construction ($18.9k MX), Other Manufacturing Industries ($12k MX), and Repair and Maintenance of Automobiles and Trucks ($8.6k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on Business Administration Services (1.13k), Legal Services (802), and Repair and Maintenance of Automobiles and Trucks (496).
8% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $10.8k MX and 92% to men with an average salary of $1k MX.
At the level of states, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave had the highest percentage of informal workers with 43.4% corresponding to 323 from 745 workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Coahuila de Zaragoza with a 1.15% corresponding to 128 from 11.1k workers.