In 2023, the trade exchange (includes international purchases and sales) of Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) was US$23.6M.
In 2023, the states with the most international sales in Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) were Estado de México (US$653k), Chihuahua (US$316k), Baja California (US$142k), Nuevo León (US$42.2k), and Jalisco (US$42k).
The states with the most international purchases in 2023 were Estado de México (US$6.28M), Ciudad de México (US$6.25M), Nuevo León (US$2.26M), Morelos (US$1.45M), and Jalisco (US$1.14M).
In 2023, the main commercial destinations of Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) were United States (US$493k), Ecuador (US$87.2k), Honduras (US$81k), Guatemala (US$75.1k), and Colombia (US$72.7k).
The main commercial origins of Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) in 2023 were China (US$15.7M), Pakistan (US$1.55M), Taiwan (Republic of China) (US$1.21M), United States (US$902k), and Italy (US$731k).
In the global context, the main exporting countries of Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) in 2022 were China (US$638M), Germany (US$54.7M), and Taiwan (Republic of China) (US$39.1M). In the same year, the main importing countries of Scissors and Blades, of Base Metal (Exc to Use Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Tools Simil with both Hands;.. Pruning Shears for Use with one Hand; Herradores Special Scissors Cutting Helmets) were United States (US$206M), Germany (US$61.8M), and Japan (US$49.6M).