
Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm

Código 721011 (Harmonized System 2012 by 6 digits)

2021: US$30k, International Sales

  2023: US$14.6M, International Purchases

In 2007, the states with the most international sales in Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Estado de México (US$432k).

The states with the most international purchases in 2023 were Nuevo León (US$1.34M) and Tamaulipas (US$460k).

In 2007, the main commercial destinations of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Guatemala (US$234k), Peru (US$197k), and Switzerland (US$240).

The main commercial origins of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm in 2023 were South Korea (US$824k), United States (US$647k), China (US$262k), Japan (US$47.5k), and Vietnam (US$15.6k).

In the global context, the main exporting countries of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm in 2022 were China (US$45.2M), United States (US$34.3M), and Japan (US$27.7M). In the same year, the main importing countries of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Canada (US$24.1M), Nigeria (US$18.3M), and Mexico (US$16.1M).

Trade Balance of Mexico

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Net Trade Balance

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The visualizations show the net balance of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm at the level of states and countries. Colors more similar to blue, indicate that the territory presented a higher level of international sales. Colors more similar to red, indicate that the territory presented a higher level of international purchases.

Net International Trade

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November, 2024: US$699k, International Purchases

In November 2024, international sales of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were US$0, while international purchases reached US$699k. The above results in a trade balance of -US$699k.

Exchange by Territory

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International Sales

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Estado de México: US$432k, State with the Most International Sales (2007)

Guatemala: US$234k, Main commercial destination (2007)

In 2007, the states with the highest international sales in Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Estado de México (US$432k).

In 2007, the countries with the most international purchases from Mexico were Guatemala (US$234k), Peru (US$197k), and Switzerland (US$240).

International Purchases

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Nuevo León: US$1.34M, State with the Most International Purchases (2023)

South Korea: US$824k, Main Commercial Origin (2023)

In 2023, the states with the highest international in Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Nuevo León (US$1.34M) and Tamaulipas (US$460k).

The countries with the most international sales to Mexico in 2023 were South Korea (US$824k), United States (US$647k), China (US$262k), Japan (US$47.5k), and Vietnam (US$15.6k).


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Specialization by State

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The RCA-Complexity  diagram compares the Revelead Comparative Advantages of states in Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm  and the Economic Complexity Index of each state.

RCA values ​​greater than 1 indicate that the state has comparative advantages in Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm. On the other hand, high levels of complexity (ECI) are associated with higher levels of income, potential for economic growth, lower income inequality and lower emissions.

Origins and Trade Destinations

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  • 0.00028%, Mexican share in global exports - 2022
  • 7%, Mexican share in global imports - 2022

The visualizations show the global market for Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm. In both charts, Mexico stands out in order to identify its participation in the export and import market.

In 2022, the main exporting countries of Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were China (US$45.2M), United States (US$34.3M), and Japan (US$27.7M). In the same year, the main importing countries for Flat-Rolled Products of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel, Width> = 600 Mm, Cold-Rolled or Hot, Tinned, of a Thickness> = 0.5Mm were Canada (US$24.1M), Nigeria (US$18.3M), and Mexico (US$16.1M).