The workforce of Assistants and Technicians in Computer and Communications Equipment and Recording during third quarter of 2024 was 284k people, whose salary averaged $7.63k MX working around 36.4 hours per week.
The average age of Assistants and Technicians in Computer and Communications Equipment and Recording was 36.3 years. The workforce was distributed in 75.4% men with an average salary of $7.84k MX and, 24.6% women with average salary of $6.99k MX.
The best average salaries received by Assistants and Technicians in Computer and Communications Equipment and Recording were in Baja California Sur ($15.6k MX), Tamaulipas ($12.8k MX), and Durango ($11.3k MX) while the workforce was larger in Estado de México (44.8k), Ciudad de México (38.2k), and Nuevo León (21.9k).
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Electric Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Commercialization ($23.7k MX), Financial Institutions for Economic Developmen ($20k MX), and Financial Institutions for Economic Development ($20k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on Specialized Design (110k), Legal Services (71.9k), and Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance (53.2k).
29.2% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $4.26k MX and 70.8% to men with an average salary of $6.35k MX.
At the level of states, Guerrero had the highest percentage of informal workers with 90% corresponding to 3.2k from 3.56k workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Tamaulipas with a 19.1% corresponding to 1.06k from 5.55k workers.