
Software Publishers

Industry Group (5112)

 2024-Q2: $1.59T MX, Gross Domestic Product

In the second quarter of 2024 the gross domestic product was $1.59T MX, 5.73% more than the previous quarter.

Gross Domestic Product

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Gross domestic product 2024-Q2: $1.59T MX

Gross Domestic Product 2023: $1.49T MX

* Data displayed corresponds to the sector undefined since the information at lower levels of disaggregation is not available.

In the second quarter of 2024, N/A recorded a gross domestic product of $1.59T MX, evidencing an increase of 5.73% compared to the previous quarter and an increase of 6.48% compared to the same period of the previous year.

* Current values, at current prices, base year 2013. Excludes taxes on products.

Economic Units

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The visualization shows the number of economic units in Software Publishers according to the number of employees.

According to DENUE data published in N/A, N/A companies with 0 to 10 employees were registered (equal number of companies as the previous period). In the same period, N/A companies with 11 to 50 employees were registered (equal number of companies as the previous period).

N/A companies with 51 to 100 employees were registered in N/A (equal number of companies as the previous period). Likewise, N/A companies with more than 101 employees were registered (equal number of companies as the previous period).

Source National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

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N/A, FDI Jan-1999 to N/A-N/A

Since January 1999 to N/A N/A, the accumulated amount of FDI in Software Publishers was N/A, distributed in N/A.

* Confidential data is not shown in the chart (see information icon in the section).

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by State

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Period Jan-1999 to N/A-N/A: N/A, N/A is the main receiving state

Historically (from January 1999 to N/AN/A) the states that have received the highest FDI are N/A.

* Information download does not contain confidential data.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Origin

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Main investing country between Jan-1999 and N/A-N/A: N/A, N/A

Historically (from January 1999 to N/A de N/A) the countries that contributed the most to FDI were N/A.

* Information download does not contain confidential data.

Specialization and Opportunity

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