
Acatlán de Juárez

Municipality of Jalisco

2020: 25,250, Population

 2020: US$7.93M, International sales

  2020: US$132M, International purchases

Jan-Dec 2024: US$1.1B, FDI in the State of Jalisco

About Acatlán de Juárez

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In 2020, the population in Acatlán de Juárez was 25,250 inhabitants (52.5% men and 47.5% women). Compared to 2010, the population in Acatlán de Juárez increased by 8.64%.

International sales of Acatlán de Juárez in 2023 were US$7.93M, -81.6% less than the previous year. The products with the highest level of international sales in 2023 were Valves and Similar Articles for Pipes, Vats or the Like, Including Pressure-Reducing Valves and Thermostatically Controlled Valves (US$526k), Plastics Articles for the Conveyance or Packing of Goods (US$523k), and Plates, Sheets and Strip, Noncellular and not Reinforced (US$123k).

International purchases of Acatlán de Juárez in 2023 were US$132M, 87.7% more than the previous year. The products with the highest level of international purchases in 2023 were Machinery and Mechanical Appliances Having Individual Functions, not Specified Elsewhere (US$7.91M), Air Pumps or Vacuum Pumps (US$3.1M), and Boards, Consoles and other Bases for Electric Control or Distribution of Electricity (US$2.1M).

Net International Trade

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November, 2024

  • US$12.4M, International purchases
  • US$718k, International sales

* Foreign trade data has been anonymized.

In november 2024, international sales of Acatlán de Juárez were US$718k and a total of US$12.4M in international purchases. For this month the net trade balance of Acatlán de Juárez it was of -US$11.7M.

International Sales

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* Foreign trade data has been anonymized.

The main international sales in 2023 were Valves and Similar Articles for Pipes, Vats or the Like, Including Pressure-Reducing Valves and Thermostatically Controlled Valves (US$526k), Plastics Articles for the Conveyance or Packing of Goods (US$523k), and Plates, Sheets and Strip, Noncellular and not Reinforced (US$123k).

The main international sales destinations in 2023 were United States (US$529k), South Korea (US$520k), and Canada (US$244k).

International Purchases

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Machinery and Mechanical Appliances Having Individual Functions, not Specified Elsewhere: US$7.91M, Main Imported Product (2020)

China: US$12.2M, Main Origin (2020)

* Foreign trade data has been anonymized.

The main international purchases in 2023 were Machinery and Mechanical Appliances Having Individual Functions, not Specified Elsewhere (US$7.91M), Air Pumps or Vacuum Pumps (US$3.1M), and Boards, Consoles and other Bases for Electric Control or Distribution of Electricity (US$2.1M).

The main countries of origin of international purchases in 2023 were China (US$12.2M), Japan (US$5.85M), and United States (US$1.88M).

Monthly International Trade

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* Foreign trade data has been anonymized.

The main international purchase in november 2024 was Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastics or for the Manufacture of Products from these Materials, not Specified Elsewhere (US$2.47M). The main countries of origin of international purchases were China (US$3.5M), United States (US$695k), and Japan (US$385k).

Foreign Direct Investment

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

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  • US$1.1B, FDI Jan-Dec 2024
  • US$42.5B, FDI Jan-1999 to Dec-2024

In the period January to December 2024, FDI in Jalisco reached the US$1.1B, distributed in reinvestment of earnings (US$587M), inter-company debts (US$261M), and equity capital (US$253M).

From January 1999 and December 2024, Jalisco accumulates a total of US$751B in FDI, distributed in equity capital (US$17.6B), reinvestment of earnings (US$13.2B), and inter-company debts (US$11.7B).

* Foreign Direct Investment data is available to Jalisco's state.

* Confidential data is not shown in the chart (see information icon in the section).

Origin Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

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Main investor country Jan-Dec 2024: United States, US$426M

Main investor country Jan-1999 to Dec-2024: United States, US$20B

From January to December de 2024, the main origin countries of FDI in Jalisco were United States (US$426M), United Kingdom (US$133M), and Germany (US$132M).

Between January 1999 and December 2024, the countries that have contributed the most to FDI are United States (US$20B), Germany (US$3.77B), and United Kingdom (US$3.48B).

* Foreign Direct Investment data is available to Jalisco's state.

* Countries with sensitive data are not shown on the map.

* Information download does not contain confidential data.

Geographical Distribution of Remittances

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The line graph shows the quarterly evolution of income from remittances.

In the fourth quarter of 2024, registered a remittance amount of US$6.49M.

Años disponibles

Industrial Parks

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Industrial Parks

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An industrial park is a geographically delimited area designed for the settlement of the industrial plant in adequate location conditions with infrastructure, equipment, basic services and permanent administration that allows continuous operation.

In 2022, Acatlán de Juárez registers 1 industrial parks.

Population and Housing

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Acatlán de Juárez 2020: 12,006, Female Population

 Acatlán de Juárez 2020: 13,244, Male Population

The total population of Acatlán de Juárez in 2020 was 25,250 inhabitants, with 47.5% woman, and 52.5% men.

The age ranges that concentrated the largest population were 10 to 14 years (3,197 inhabitants), 15 to 19 years (2,613 inhabitants), and 5 to 9 years (2,190 inhabitants). Among them they concentrated 31.7% of the total population.

* In the case of the Afro-descendant population, reference is made to the population that is recognized as Afro-descendant.

Indigenous Dialect

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13 inhabitants, Population that speaks an indigenous language

The visualization shows the 10 main indigenous languages spoken by the population of Acatlán de Juárez.

The population of 3 years and over that speaks at least one indigenous language was 13 inhabitants, which corresponds to 0.051% of the total population of Acatlán de Juárez.

The most widely spoken indigenous dialects were Otras lenguas indígenas de América (5 inhabitants), Mazateco (4 inhabitants), and Tarasco (2 inhabitants).

Quality of Life

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Rooms and Bedrooms of the House

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  • 27.1%, Housing with 3 rooms (2020)
  • 39.2%, Housing with 2 bedrooms (2020)

In 2020, most inhabited private homes had 3 and 4 rooms, 27.1% and 26.2%, respectively.

In the same period, the inhabited private homes with 2 and 1 bedrooms, 39.2% and 28.4%, respectively.

* The percentage distribution does not add to 100% because the value of the unspecified is not included.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Services and Connectivity in the Housing

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The icons show the percentage of households that have certain elements of connectivity and/or services. With the upper selector you can switch between 5 categories that include different elements: access to technologies, entertaiment, availability of goods, availability of transport and equipment.

Data provided by Censo de Población y Vivienda 2020 (Cuestionario Básico y Cuestionario Ampliado)

2020: 27.2, Average time travel to work in minutes

 2020: 19, Average time travel to school in minutes

The visualization shows the population distribution according to travel times to work in 2020 compared to travel times at the national level.

In Acatlán de Juárez, the average travel time from home to work was 27.2 minutes, 81.5% of the population takes less than an hour to move, while 8.84% takes more than 1 hour to get to work.

On the other hand, the average travel time from home to place of study was 19 minutes, 91.2% of the population takes less than an hour to move, while 7.66% takes more than 1 hour.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Means of Transportation to Work and to School

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The visualization shows the distribution of the means of transport to work or place to study used by the population of Acatlán de Juárez according to travel times.

In 2020, 31% of the population used bus, taxi, or similar as the main means of transportation to work.

Regarding the means of transport to go to the place of study, 61.3% of the population used bus, taxi, or similar as the main means of transportation.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Employment and Education

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Economically Active Population

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Economically Active Population: 59.2%, 2024-Q3

Unemployment Rate: 2.63%, 2024-Q3

* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

In the third quarter of 2024, the labor participation rate in Jalisco was 59.2%, which implied a decrease of 0.66 percentage points compared to the previous quarter (59.9%).

The unemployment rate was 2.63 % (106k people), which implied an increase of 0.42 percentage points compared to the previous quarter (2.2%).

Salaries and Workforce

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52.4% Formal - 47.6% Informal: 3.91M, Workforce 2024-Q3

$7.29k MX Formal - $5.64k MX Informal: $6.51k MX, Average Monthly Salary 2024-Q3

* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

The population employed in Jalisco in the third quarter of 2024 was 3.91M people, being  1.52% lower than the previous quarter (3.97M employed).

The average monthly salary in the third quarter of 2024 it was of $6.51k MX being $222 MX higher than the previous quarter ($6.29k MX).

Workforce and Salaries by Occupation

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  • 40.1 %, Employed women 2024-Q3
  • 59.9 %, Employed men 2024-Q3

* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

In third quarter of 2024, Jalisco had 3,910,904 employed.

The occupations with the most workers during the third quarter of 2024 were Sales Employees, Dispatchers and Dependent on Trade (272k), Traders in Stores (206k), and Bricklayers, Stonemasons and Related (132k)

Levels of Schooling

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The chart shows the percentage distribution of the population aged 15 years and over in Acatlán de Juárez according to the approved academic degree.

In 2020, the main academic degrees of the population of Acatlán de Juárez were Middle School (5.75k people or 34.2% of the total), Primary School (4.44k people or 26.5% of the total), and High School or General Baccalaureate (3.13k people or 18.6% of the total).

It is possible to see the distribution of academic degrees by sex by changing the option selected in the upper button.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Illiteracy rate

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Acatlán de Juárez 2020: 2.96%, Average illiteracy rate

The illiteracy rate for Acatlán de Juárez in 2020 was 2.96%. Of the total illiterate population, 50.4% corresponded to men and 49.6% to women.

* The illiterate population is considered to be the population aged 15 and over who cannot read or write.

Higher Education Enrollment by Training Field

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Upper Secondary Education Graduates by State

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Acatlán de Juárez: 406k, Total number of graduates from upper secondary education 2021 - 2022

*The values presented were provided by the SEP and correspond to values for the period 2021-2022.

The states with the highest number of graduates in the 2020-2021 school period were: Estado de México (8.08%, 32,803 graduates), Ciudad de México (6.75%, 27,386 graduates), Guanajuato (6.43%, 26,094 graduates), Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave (5.75%, 23,345 graduates), and Tamaulipas (5.26%, 21,329 graduates).

Graduate Students of Upper Secondary Education by Carrer

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Acatlán de Juárez: 189, Total number of careers in Upper Secondary Education

*The values presented were provided by the SEP and correspond to values for the period 2021-2022.

The upper secondary education courses in Mexico with the highest number of graduates were Programación (9.94%, 40,342 graduates), Soporte Y Mantenimiento De Equipo De Cómputo (6.8%, 27,588 graduates), and Contabilidad (6.2%, 25,161 graduates).

Health Resources

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Health Institutions and Type

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The matrix is colored according to el número de unidades de salud by type and institution. The data is updated as of March 2022.

With the top selectors you can change the indicator and analyze the data for the rural and urban strata.

Data provided by Secretaría de Salud and CONAPO.

Health Establishments by Institution

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The graphs show the distribution of health units by rural or urban stratum and by type of establishment through March 2022.

By clicking on a chart it is possible to filter the information displayed by the other chart.

Health Coverage

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Health Options and Coverage

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  • 11.9 %, Population served by Seguro Popular
  • 60.5 %, Population served by Social Security

In Acatlán de Juárez, the most widely used health care options in 2020 were IMSS (Social Security) (13.9k), Pharmacy Office (3.49k), and SSAs Health Care Center or Hospital (2.74k).

In the same year, the social insurances that grouped the largest number of people were Popular Insurance or New Generation (XXI Century Health Insurance) (15.2k) and Not Specified (4.88k).

* The sum of the affiliated population is greater than the national population because a person can be affiliated with multiple health institutions.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Difficulty Performing Daily Activities

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In 2020, the main disabilities present in the population of Acatlán de Juárez were physical disability (613 people), visual disability (424 people), and hearing disability (211 people).

* A person can have more than one disability and appear counted in more than one category.

Disability and Diversity

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The chart shows the population pyramid of disability population in Acatlán de Juárez. With the upper selector it is possible to review the population pyramid for different types of disability.

By default, the chart shows the distribution of the visual disability population. 424 people with visual disabilities were totaled, 56.8% women and 43.2% men.

According to gender and age range, women among 65 to 69 years concentrated the 7.31% of the total population with visual disability, while men among 70 to 74 years concentrated the 5.42% of this population group.

Causes or Origins of Disabilities

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The matrix chart shows the distribution of the population with disabilities according to the type of disability and its causes or origins.

* A person can have more than one disability and appear counted in more than one category.

* The data displayed were obtained from the extended questionnaire whose data have a confidence interval of 90% and an error of 0.2.

Evolution of COVID-19 Cases

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Time Axis

* The dashed line indicates preliminary data that will be confirmed during the next 7 days.

The visualization presents the evolution of daily cases by COVID-19 in Acatlán de Juárez.

With the selector at the top it is possible to change the visualization to the evolution of deaths by COVID-19 (daily or accumulated). There is also the option of viewing the data with a 7-day rolling mean or a rate per 100,000 inhabitants.

The visualization shows the distribution of deaths according to comorbidity in Acatlán de Juárez. All the deceased reported to date are considered.

The buttons at the top allow you to see this distribution for the total of confirmed cases and hospitalized cases to date in Acatlán de Juárez.

COVID-19 Cases by Sex and Age Range

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The visualization shows the distribution of confirmed cases according to age range and sex in Acatlán de Juárez to the date.

The selector at the top allows you to see this distribution for deceased and hospitalized patients. Additionally, when selecting type of patient it is possible to visualize the distribution by age range of hospitalized and outpatient patients.

Inequality in Income Distribution

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  • $62.8k MX, Average quarterly current income in 2020
  • $162k MX, Difference between decile I and X in 2020

* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

The visualization shows the total average quarterly current income per household in deciles of households in Jalisco comparing the years 2016, 2018 and 2020.

In Jalisco, 10% of the lowest income households (first decile) had an average quarterly income of $16.9k MX in 2020, while the 10% of households with the highest income (tenth decile) had an average quarterly income of $179k MX in the same period.

Diversity of the Person of Reference or Head of the Household

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  • 29.4%, Dwellings with women heads of household
  • 70.6%, Dwellings with men heads of household

According to data from the Population Census 2020, 6.37k dwellings were registered. Of these, 29.4% are homes where the person of reference is a woman and 70.6% corresponds to homes where the person of reference is a man.

Regarding the age ranges of the person of reference, 11.8% of the dwellings concentrated heads of household between 45 a 49 años.

2020: 0.31, GINI in Acatlán de Juárez

The Gini coefficient or Gini index is a statistical measure designed to represent the income distribution of the inhabitants, specifically, the inequality between them. Indices closer to 0, represent more equity among its inhabitants, while values close to 1, express maximum inequity among its population.

In 2020, in Jalisco, the municipalities with the lowest social inequality, according to the GINI index, were: Villa Corona (0.306), Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos (0.313), Juanacatlán (0.314), Acatlán de Juárez (0.314), and Sayula (0.314). On the other hand, the municipalities with less social equality by this metric were: Mezquitic (0.640), Bolaños (0.508), Chimaltitán (0.466), Chiquilistlán (0.464), and Villa Guerrero (0.442).

Poverty and Social Deprivation Indicators

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Percentage of the Total Population in 2020

  • 2.1%, Population in extreme poverty
  • 26.2%, Population in moderate poverty

The visualization compares various indicators of poverty and social deprivation.

In 2020, 26.2% of the population was in a situation of moderate poverty and 2.1% in extreme poverty. The vulnerable population due to social deprivation reached a 30%, while the vulnerable population due to income was 12%.

The main social deficiencies of Acatlán de Juárez in 2020 were deprivation social security, deprivation health services and deprivation food access.

Public security

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Definition of Concepts

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In order to understand Public Safety in Mexico, this section analyzes two main concepts corresponding to theoretical approaches from which the level of Public Safety is understood: a) Perception and b) Complaint.

The perception of security seeks to measure the perception of public security that the population and households have about the place where they reside and its relationship with crime. On the other hand, the perception of trust in authorities or institutional performance seeks to know how the population perceives authorities and the actions they carry out, regardless of whether or not they have been victims of crime.

The term of complaint is used in the act by which a subject, victim or witness of a crime, reports or establishes the facts in front of the pertinent authorities, reporting an irregularity, criminal act or crime in order to be investigated.

Perception of Security

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Perception of Security in your State

  • 27.1 %, Men
  • 19.5 %, Women

* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

In 2024, 27.1% of men over 18 years old in Jalisco perceived security in their state, while 19.5% of women over 18 years old shared this perception.

At the personal level, men from the upper socio-demographic stratum perceived greater security (30%), while women perceived greater security in the lower middle socioeconomic stratum (20.7%).

Trust in Authorities

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* The data presented is available to Jalisco's state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.

In 2024, 12.6% of the population of Jalisco claimed to have a lot of confidence in the state police, while a 13.4% indicated they have a lot of distrust.

Similarly, a 13.2% of the population assured that they had a lot of trust in the Public Ministry and State Prosecutors, a 10.5% in the Judges and a 34.2% in the Federal Police, while a 15%, a 16.9% and a 5.74% claimed to have a lot of distrust in them, respectively.

In the graph you can analyze the level of trust in other authorities and review the data by gender by changing the option selected in the upper button.

* Percentages exclude the "Don't know / no answer" option.

Complaints by Goods Affected

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November 2024: 26, Total complaints

 November 2024: Domestic Violence, Main complaint

The complaints with the highest occurrence during November 2024 were Domestic Violence (9), Stole (5), and Injury (5), which covered a 73.1% of total complaints for the month.

When comparing the number of complaints in November 2023 and November 2024, those with the highest growth were Domestic Violence (800%), Injury (150%), and Damage to Property (0%).
