In 2018, the states with the most international sales in Medicaments Containing Penicillins or Derivatives Thereof with the Structure of Penicillanic Acid or Streptomycins or Derivatives Thereof, not in Measured Doses or put up for Sale to the Retail were Jalisco (US$25.8k).
The states with the most international purchases in 2023 were Estado de México (US$109k).
In 2018, the main commercial destinations of Medicaments Containing Penicillins or Derivatives Thereof with the Structure of Penicillanic Acid or Streptomycins or Derivatives Thereof, not in Measured Doses or put up for Sale to the Retail were Honduras (US$10.5k), Costa Rica (US$7.6k), Bolivia (US$7.06k), and Italy (US$583).
The main commercial origins of Medicaments Containing Penicillins or Derivatives Thereof with the Structure of Penicillanic Acid or Streptomycins or Derivatives Thereof, not in Measured Doses or put up for Sale to the Retail in 2023 were China (US$109k).
In the global context, the main exporting countries of Medicaments Containing Penicillins or Derivatives Thereof with the Structure of Penicillanic Acid or Streptomycins or Derivatives Thereof, not in Measured Doses or put up for Sale to the Retail in 2022 were China (US$101M), United Kingdom (US$98.1M), and Belgium (US$39.3M). In the same year, the main importing countries of Medicaments Containing Penicillins or Derivatives Thereof with the Structure of Penicillanic Acid or Streptomycins or Derivatives Thereof, not in Measured Doses or put up for Sale to the Retail were Austria (US$46.2M), Italy (US$43.4M), and Algeria (US$42.9M).