The average age of Workers in Renting Movables (Crockery, Movies, Video Games, Etc.) was N/A years. The workforce was distributed in N/A% men with an average salary of $5.45k MX and, N/A% women with average salary of $3.72k MX.
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Waste Collection ($15.1k MX), Beauty Salons and Clinics, Public Baths and Washrooms, and Shoeshine Shops ($9.9k MX), and Amusement Parks and Arcades ($8.63k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on N/A.
21.5% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $3.1k MX and 78.5% to men with an average salary of $4.93k MX.
At the level of states, Zacatecas had the highest percentage of informal workers with 100% corresponding to 323 from 323 workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Chiapas with a 28.1% corresponding to 66 from 235 workers.