The average age of Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) was 39.4 years. The workforce was distributed in 97.8% men with an average salary of $7.11k MX and, 2.21% women with average salary of $2.18k MX.
2.2% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $4.32k MX and 97.8% to men with an average salary of $5.15k MX.
At the level of states, Querétaro had the highest percentage of informal workers with 100% corresponding to 212 from 212 workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Baja California with a 5.85% corresponding to 227 from 3.88k workers.
At third quarter of 2024, the male workforce in Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) represented the 97.8% of the employed population and women 2.21%. The male workforce was higher in the age group of 25 to 34 years (43.4k), while the female workforce was higher in the age group of 15 to 24 years (1.18k).
* The data regarding salaries have low statistical precision so it should not be used as conclusions.
Average Salary and Workforce by Gender and Schooling Years
At third quarter of 2024 the male workforce in Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) was higher in the educational segment with 10 to 12 years of schooling (51.4k), while the female workforce was higher in the educational segment with 16 to 18 years of schooling (1.02k).
The highest average salary was $7.43k MX received by men with 7 to 9 years of schooling, while the lowest average salary was $6.77k MX received by men with 16 to 18 years of schooling.
* The data regarding salaries have low statistical precision so it should not be used as conclusions.
The visualization shows the distribution of Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) in different industries and economic sectors.
48.2%, Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment)
54.6%, Average Informality in Mexico
During the third quarter of 2024, the labor informality of Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) reached a 48.2%, which implied an increase from 1.01 percentage points compared to the second quarter of 2024 (47.1%).
The labor informality of this occupation was lower than informality at the country level in 6.48 percentage points during the third quarter of 2024.
At third quarter of 2024, the states with the highest rate of labor informality in Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) were Querétaro (100%), Morelos (92.9%), and Oaxaca (79.4%).
The workforce of Technicians in Installation and Repair of Electronic Equipment, Telecommunications Appliances (Except Computer Equipment) during the third quarter of 2024 was higher in the age group with 25 to 34 years concentrating 43.6k workers of which 67.4% corresponds to formal employment (29.4k) and 32.6% to informal employment (14.2k).
Regarding the schooling years, the workforce was higher in the range with 10 to 12 years of schooling concentrating 51.5k workers of which 57.1% corresponds to formal employment (29.4k) and 42.9% corresponds to informal employment (22.1k).