The workforce of Security Guards Establishments during third quarter of 2024 was 888k people, whose salary averaged $6.64k MX working around 58.1 hours per week.
The average age of Security Guards Establishments was 44.5 years. The workforce was distributed in 83.4% men with an average salary of $6.62k MX and, 16.6% women with average salary of $6.75k MX.
The best average salaries received by Security Guards Establishments were in Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave ($10.1k MX), Coahuila de Zaragoza ($9.12k MX), and Tamaulipas ($9.03k MX) while the workforce was larger in Estado de México (155k), Ciudad de México (65.6k), and Guanajuato (61.7k).
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Retail Trade of Perfumery and Jewelry Products ($15.3k MX), Residential Building Construction ($12.3k MX), and Amusement Parks and Arcades ($11.8k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on Secretarial Support, Photocopying, Collection, Credit Investigation and Similar Services (987k), Higher Technical Education Schools (97.2k), and Cattle Raising (2.87%).
7.73% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $5.46k MX and 92.3% to men with an average salary of $5.51k MX.
At the level of states, Yucatán had the highest percentage of informal workers with 32.9% corresponding to 6.22k from 18.9k workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Estado de México with a 3.16% corresponding to 4.9k from 155k workers.