The workforce of Painters and Varnishers Wood during third quarter of 2024 was 19.6k people, whose salary averaged $5.56k MX working around 44.8 hours per week.
The average age of Painters and Varnishers Wood was 41.6 years. The workforce was distributed in 78.1% men with an average salary of $6.13k MX and, 21.9% women with average salary of $3.54k MX.
The best average salaries received by Painters and Varnishers Wood were in Baja California Sur ($15.4k MX), Guerrero ($15.1k MX), and Colima ($14.2k MX) while the workforce was larger in Estado de México (4.54k), Michoacán de Ocampo (2.26k), and Sonora (1.95k).
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Legal Services ($17.2k MX), Retail Trade of Household Furniture and other Household Goods ($7.2k MX), and Building Installations and Equipmen ($1.26k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on Foundations, Prefabricated Structures Assembly and Exterior Construction Works (4.04k), Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance (2.92k), and Building Installations and Equipmen (865).
22.4% of the total informal workers correspond to women with an average salary of $2.2k MX and 77.6% to men with an average salary of $4.96k MX.
At the level of states, Zacatecas had the highest percentage of informal workers with 100% corresponding to 124 from 124 workers, while the state with the lowest percentage of informal workers was Colima with a 28% corresponding to 30 from 107 workers.