
Stamps (Stamps), Timbres Prosecutors and the Like, not Obliterated, Having or Intended to be Legal Tender in the Country in which its Face Value is Recognized, Letterheads; Banknotes; Checks; Share Certificates or Bonds and Similar Titles

Código 4907 (Harmonized System 2012 by 4 digits)

Exchange by Territory

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Origins and Trade Destinations

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  • 1.3%, Mexican share in global exports - 2022
  • 0.15%, Mexican share in global imports - 2022

The visualizations show the global market for Stamps (Stamps), Timbres Prosecutors and the Like, not Obliterated, Having or Intended to be Legal Tender in the Country in which its Face Value is Recognized, Letterheads; Banknotes; Checks; Share Certificates or Bonds and Similar Titles. In both charts, Mexico stands out in order to identify its participation in the export and import market.

In 2022, the main exporting countries of Stamps (Stamps), Timbres Prosecutors and the Like, not Obliterated, Having or Intended to be Legal Tender in the Country in which its Face Value is Recognized, Letterheads; Banknotes; Checks; Share Certificates or Bonds and Similar Titles were United Arab Emirates (US$1.47B), United Kingdom (US$327M), and Malta (US$258M). In the same year, the main importing countries for Stamps (Stamps), Timbres Prosecutors and the Like, not Obliterated, Having or Intended to be Legal Tender in the Country in which its Face Value is Recognized, Letterheads; Banknotes; Checks; Share Certificates or Bonds and Similar Titles were Armenia (US$1.45B), China (US$307M), and South Africa (US$230M).