

Occupation (2134) - 2024-Q1

  • 716, Workforce
  • $11.7k MX, Average monthly salary
  • 57.3, Average age
  • 37, Weekly hours worked
  • 5.29, Weekly days worked
  • 17.7%, Workforce with second job
  • 17.7, Average years of Schooling

About Geographers

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The workforce of Geographers during first quarter of 2024 was 716 people, whose salary averaged $11.7k MX working around 37 hours per week.

The average age of Geographers was 57.3 years. The workforce was distributed in 82.3% men with an average salary of $11.6k MX and, 17.7% women with average salary of $12k MX.

The best average salaries received by Geographers were in Jalisco ($18k MX) and Oaxaca ($12k MX) while the workforce was larger in Jalisco (380), Tamaulipas (209), and Oaxaca (127).

In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in General Public Administration ($18k MX) and Legal Services ($12k MX), while the workforce was concentrated on General Public Administration (75%) and Legal Services (254).

Workforce and Salaries Distribution by Industries

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The visualization shows the distribution of Geographers in different industries and economic sectors.

At first quarter of 2024, the workforce was higher in General Public Administration (75%) and Legal Services (25%).

In the same period, the best average salaries were received in General Public Administration ($18k MX) and Legal Services ($12k MX).