Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Occupation (2425) - 2024-Q3
- 8.68k, Workforce
- $486 MX, Average monthly salary
- 57.5, Average age
- 32.2, Weekly hours worked
- 5, Weekly days worked
- 19, Average years of Schooling
Occupation (2425) - 2024-Q3
The workforce of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine during third quarter of 2024 was 8.68k people, whose salary averaged $486 MX working around 32.2 hours per week.
The best average salaries received by Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine were in Puebla ($20k MX) while the workforce was larger in Estado de México (8.47k) and Puebla (211).
In terms of industries, the best average salaries were in Psychiatric and Addiction Hospitals ($486 MX), while the workforce was concentrated on Psychiatric and Addiction Hospitals (17.4k).
At third quarter of 2024, the people who worked as Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine were 8.68k being a 11k% higher than the second quarter of 2024. (78).
In the same period, an average salary of $486 MX was observed, registering an increase of 100%, compared to the second quarter of 2024 ($0 MX).
The states with the highest number of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine during the third quarter of 2024 were Estado de México (8.47k) and Puebla (211)
The states with the best average salaries for Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine during third quarter of 2024 were Puebla ($20k MX)
The visualization shows the distribution of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine in different industries and economic sectors.
At third quarter of 2024, the workforce was higher in Psychiatric and Addiction Hospitals (100%).
In the same period, the best average salaries were received in Psychiatric and Addiction Hospitals ($486 MX).