Isep Latam, S.C.
2020: 163, Enrolled Students
2020 : 91.4%, Women Enrolled Percentage
2019-2020: 77.2%, Enrollments Growth
2020: 163, Enrolled Students
2020 : 91.4%, Women Enrolled Percentage
2019-2020: 77.2%, Enrollments Growth
(2020): 163, Enrollments
Top 1 (2020): 91, Master in clinical health psychology
In 2020, Isep Latam, S.C. had 163 enrolled. The areas with the highest number of enrolled were Master in clinical health psychology (91), Master in clinical psychology infanta youth (28), and Master in intervention in learning difficulties (23).
(2019): 91, New Students
Top 1 (2019): 35, Enrollments Estado de México
In 2019, the largest number of students enrolled in the Isep Latam, S.C. come from Estado de México (35), Jalisco (6), and Nuevo León (6).