
Instituto Tepic

undefined: 4,241, Enrolled Students

undefined : 75.9%, Women Enrolled Percentage

In N/A, Instituto Tepic had 4,241 enrolled, of which 24% (1.02k) were men and 76% (3.22k) were women.

In N/A, the institution had 1,423 undergraduates, of these 70 were men and 269 women. The areas with the most graduates were N/A.

Same year, Instituto Tepic had 293 graduates, of these 13 were men and 70 women. The areas with the most graduate students were Health sciences (200) and Administration and business (93).

Distribution of Students by Faculty

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(N/A): 4,241, Enrollments

Top 1 (N/A): 765, Bachelor of nursing and obstetrics

In N/A, Instituto Tepic had 4,241 enrolled. The areas with the highest number of enrolled were Bachelor of nursing and obstetrics (765), Bachelor of nursing and obstetrics (721), and Bachelor of nursing and obstetrics (710).